Pitches for motorhomes, campers & vans

Auf einigen Flächen ist das Campen mit einem Wohnmobil, Kleinbus oder Auto möglich.

Motorhome, Camper, Van - Parking spaces

P4 - multi-storey car park

Like2Camp is an online platform that facilitates the organization of parking spaces. A parking space can be booked online via this platform in a specially demarcated area of the P4 multi-storey parking lot. The parking space also offers sanitary facilities, which can be used during lift opening hours. The ticket is valid for 24 hours, so nothing stands in the way of an extensive hike. 

A maximum of 2 nights can be booked.

Camper costs: 

However, there is no waste disposal, gray water disposal or electricity - we ask you to take your waste back with you! Please read our camper fair play rules before your visit!